
SUNDERED (A Zombie-ish Apocalypse, Book 1) Plus 3 Good Questions with Shannon Mayer

"Full of juicy zombie action meshed with romance to make your heart break. The pace is thrilling and the action doesn't stop!"  -- Author of "The Guardian", CJ Gosling

NFE Notes - "Sundered" is top 500 Amazon Bestseller averaging 4.4 stars out of 102 customers reviews!  

Compared to "I am Legend",  Sundered will take you into the dark realms of an apocalypse, with a new breed of zombie that will have your heart pounding, your palms sweaty and the pages flying.  A Novella with true bite.

Praise for Sundered

"I was completely blindsided by events in this story. Even now, I can't stop thinking about it."
Author of "Until Dawn: Last Light", Jennifer Simas

". . . an interesting twist on the zombie apocalypse story; it manages to feel familiar 
and yet fresh at the same time, which is not an easy feat."
Author of "The Corridors of the Dead", Jonathan D. Allen

5 Star Reviews 

". . .an apocalyptic world that immediately feels plausible in these days of pharmaceutical "miracles" and quick cures gone wrong. . . .a fearless and unflinching launch into darker issues and terrible choices.There is great depth in this authors work."                                                   
Author of Brilliant Prey, Brenda Wallace

"The author has deftly woven all of these strands together into an intriguing and sometimes poignant tale of love, loss, and survival."        
Merry Simmons (Reviewer)

If you couldn't get enough of "The Walking Dead",  or Amanda Hocking's "Hollowland" Sundered is the perfect fix for your Zombie-ish cravings!

3 Good Questions with Shannon Mayer:

NFE: What book(s) kept you up all night reading?

SHANNON MAYERr: This is a toughie! If a book catches my interest, I'm a bit of a glutton and don't tend to put them down until they're done. But there are a few that stand out. :0) "Kushiel's Dart" by Jacqueline Carey, "The Gunslinger" by Stephen King, "The Last Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle.

NFE:  Would this book (yours) keep you up all night reading if you hadn’t written it?  Why?

SM: I try to write books that I would want to read, books that leave you breathless with anticipation for the next chapter. So, yes, I think it would have kept me up for sure. :0)

NFE: Give us a link to your website or blog so we can find out more about you!

SM: Blog, or my website is but the BEST place to stalk, I mean follow, me is my Facebook Fan page

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